They had NO PROBLEMS with his pedophile mods. LL only banned him once they found he stole parts of his mod. I also don't remember the maker of WW talking out aganist him at the time, maybe he did but I don't remember seeing him say anything on LL. This is why I find Loverslab and the maker of WW suspect because even though multiple sites had banned him a long time ago he was more than welcomed on LL despite rumors/allegations about his disgusting mods were well know. Note his ban date is AugIt also mentions nothing about him making pedo mods. He was also banned by the maker of the MC Command and he would ban anyone who used his mods. Apprently he used to go by Sux McNutty on Sexysims (an off shoot of modthesims) but they banned him because of his child r*pe mods. I learned about him back when F95Zone had free sims 4 CC.

I think the person who made that mod used to go by the name ColonolNutty.